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Nafis Ayaz

C++ Software Engineer

Espresso: Get Started

  • Espresso - A web framework that compatible to C++14 and above, for that need to install latest version of GNU-GCC-7.5 or above. This tutorial will guide every single step for installation and will guide you to build a sample mini project with details about the code structure. Espresso+ compiler which combines espresso code and C++ and converts to executable code. In Espresso+ doesn't have C++ compiler, if there is no GNU compiler it is not possible to execute Espresso code anyways because Espresso framework is built on the top of C++14 and C++17 and so need to upgrade your C++ compiler to latest version. So Espresso framework could possible to embed C++ code also. The structure of semantics are very concise and readable that makes it's beauty. Distributed to apt repository from where can be installed on Linux system.

  • Check Gcc version already install, must have gcc-7.5 or above

    $  g++ -version    //   g++ (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0

    If there is not installed C++ compiler then execute following command as:

    $ sudo apt-get install gcc-7.5.0    //   For Installation
    $ sudo apt-get install gcc-7.5.0    //   For upgrade

    Once GCC compiler successfully installed then execute folowing command for Espresso Compiler as:

    $  sudo apt-get install espresso

    To know which version installed:

    $ espresso+   --version    //   installed version:  Espresso_1.0.0-v

    For testing whether Espresso is properly working or not, just copy the following code in

    auto espresso = import("espresso").("http"); auto app = espresso(); app.get("/", function(request, response, err){      if(err == ERROR){        console.err("error: ", err );      }else{         response.send("hello world");      } });"8080", function(err){      console.log("Server started at ", 8080 ); });

    Now open the Terminal and run the following command as:

    $ espresso+
    $ ./espresso
       Server started at 8080

    Once Server is started the open chrome browser and paste the following queryline then you will get the message.


    The import is executed at runtime and return object which is by defualt auto type. object is one-time creation throughout the program, next time will give exeptions-throw. Espresso has many statndard libraries with no file-extension but user-defined library has to have file-extension i.e .es

    auto espresso = import("espresso");    //   Standard
    auto user-defined_lib = import("");
       //   User-defined

    After creation the object then operator () is called that returns the main espresso application object which is again one-time created.

    auto app = espresso();

    Espresso application object has Restfull Methods: GET, POST, DELETE and PUT Method that takes two arguments: a delimeter and a anonymous callback function. The anonymous callback function takes objects: request, response and error as parameters. The third argument is flag: error which is optional.

    app.get("/", function(request, response, err){
         if(err == ERROR){

           console.err("error: ", err );


            response.send("hello world");



    Espresso application object has run function that takes two arguments: Port number and a anonymous callback function which takes a flag as a parameter."8080", function(err){
         console.log("Server started at ", 8080 );
